We had one of our best days of finds today at Penpleidiau!
Our day started with Venturers Mary and Mary excavating the charcoaley deposits over our stone floor surface to work out if they were cremation burials. But they weren’t – they just appear to be little dumps of small bones, ash and charcoal.
Venturer Phil cleaned back the next archaeological layer next to the Marys, only to find an incredible little flint thumbnail scraper! This had been dropped next to the stone flooring / entranceway into our possible building.
Almost immediately afterwards, Steph cleaned back a post-hole that had been excavated and recorded only to find a pottery sherd! Iron Age pottery is incredibly rare and we are delighted to have found something that can help date the site.
Meanwhile in the north of the trench, Steph and Jodie decided that the big mound of stones needed to go so that we could work out what was beneath them – so our lovely Venturers took to it with gusto and make brilliant progress! They found more slingshots, charcoal flecks and cremated bone fragments as they dug down. Hopefully we will have some more answers in a few days.