The Gwent Levels are filled with traces of people who lived here hundreds of years ago. From medieval homes and Iron Age hillforts, to Roman camps and giant castles, there is plenty to see – if you know where to look!
We’re heading off on three unique excursions to explore the old ruins and historic buildings hidden just of the beaten path on the Gwent Levels.
Anything we find will be recorded on our crowdsourced online map, so that other walkers can discover them too!
We’re running an outdoor workshop where archaeologists and local history-lovers work together to locate, investigate and identify historic sites on the Levels’ landscape. Together, we’re aiming to create an online map showcasing the Gwent Levels’ extraordinary history.
]]>The new Living Levels GIS has officially launched! Click here to have a close-up look at the landscape of the Gwent Levels. You can delve into First and Second Edition Ordnance Survey maps, scour the Court of Sewers map and even check what lasers see when they look at the landscape with the Lidar layer.
Our test pitting weekend has only just begun and the finds are already rolling in!
Prof Martin Bell takes us on a tour of the foreshore, showing us some amazing archaeological finds along the way.
The DigVentures team is looking forward to our archaeological adventure on the Gwent Levels. This landscape is teeming with history – from Mesolithic footprints, to medieval churches!
]]>DigVentures is helping to create an interactive online map of all the history, archaeology, and heritage on the Gwent Levels.
]]>30 July – 04 August 2019
Join us for a week of archaeology on the Gwent Levels – we’ll be making online maps, surveying, digging and having LOADS of outdoors fun!