Pontefract Castle
Unearthing the medieval gatehouse at one of England’s strongest fortresses
Unearthing the medieval gatehouse at one of England’s strongest fortresses
Catch up on all the action from site, as it happens
Watch our end of dig video to find out…
Thats it! Our excavation at Pontefract Castle is now officially finished and the team have packed up to head home. Its been an incredible 3 weeks digging in the drawbridge pit and our excavation has come up with some great results. Stay tuned next week for all the details of what we discovered and the depth we got to. For now, I leave you with a photo of a very small looking Chris down a very deep hole in the ground!
Why not join us for our second virtual tour of our dig at Pontefract Castle’s drawbridge pit where the team will be updating you on what they have discovered this week! At a depth of beyond 7 metres, this is turning into one incredible hole in the ground. Take a look to see what we have found out this week!
We’ve come across quite a few pieces of medieval green glazed pottery now. It shows we are definitely hot on the heels of the people who might have seen the drawbridge in action and perhaps looked down to the original depth of the pit we are digging now!
The finds are still coming down in the depths of the drawbridge pit and we’ve just come up with this big old chunk of ceramic roof tile! How did that get all the way down there?!
Only joking – it’s just another lump of medieval iron! But it could be a piece of the drawbridge mechanism which, frankly, is just as cool!