Spodden Valley Revealed
A valley full of archaeology waiting to be discovered
A valley full of archaeology waiting to be discovered
The archaeology of Spodden Valley stretches more than 8,000 years into the past. Ancient hunter-gatherer camps, post-medieval settlements and the monumental constructions of industrial Britain are all there to be found... if you know where to look
+Lancashire has one of the richest concentrations of hunter-gatherer sites in Europe. Spodden Valley is prime territory for these sites, and evidence suggests there should be plenty of camps waiting to be found in the area. Join our survey to help find them!
+Spodden Valley was a hub of medieval and post-medieval life in Lancashire, and the landscape is dotted with impressive ruins which have lain undisturbed for centuries. Join our dig at Brown Wardle Hill and help us uncover the story of a spectacular abandoned settlement
+DigVentures is helping Mid Pennine Arts to develop an ecomuseum - an outdoor heritage trail linking 11 different sites in the valley. Understanding the archaeology that fills Spodden Valley is just one part of a series of projects to help make that happen